
and .


18:49 Changeset [443] by bhilburn
Code cleanup in the sqlite DB creation functions.
18:35 Changeset [442] by bhilburn
Fixed a memory leak (and redundant memory allocation), and moved the …
18:35 Changeset [441] by bhilburn
Mostly style fixes. Changing over some fprintf's to use the proper MACRO.
18:35 Changeset [440] by bhilburn
Replacing tabs with spaces.
17:19 Changeset [439] by bhilburn
Fixed local includes. In order for autofoo installs to work, the install …


15:00 Changeset [438] by bhilburn
Made 2221 substitions (tabs to spaces) on nearly 800 lines.
14:40 Changeset [437] by bhilburn
Mostly style fixes (tabs -> spaces, wrong indentation, etc).
14:40 Changeset [436] by bhilburn
I'm an idiot and forgot WARNING was already in error.h
13:35 Changeset [435] by bhilburn
Now outputting socketFD in of registered components in logs, returning …
13:35 Changeset [434] by bhilburn
Creating a 'WARNING' macro that outputs to stderr so we don't output …
13:20 Changeset [433] by bhilburn
Reworked memory allocation in the constructors a bit more. Looking at, I'm …
13:15 Changeset [432] by bhilburn
Fixed a memery allocation issue that might have segfaulted, and a memory …
13:15 Changeset [431] by bhilburn
Fixing some data typing issues, and some style bugs.


17:00 Changeset [430] by bhilburn
Adding authors and a line about installing to the readme.
17:00 Changeset [429] by bhilburn
Reworked the build process for libvtcross so that it would build in the …


16:18 Changeset [421] by trnewman
SML bug fixed
15:34 Changeset [420] by trnewman
Increased timeout. Just a HACK for the socket timeout problem.


11:03 Changeset [419] by wrodgers
Updated c-string operations to c++


11:53 Changeset [418] by trnewman
Cleaning up warnings
11:50 Changeset [417] by trnewman
Adding OSSIE demo CE.
11:13 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
11:12 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
11:08 Changeset [416] by trnewman
Moving examples around to a more appropiate directory.


11:27 Cross edited by trnewman
11:24 Changeset [414] by trnewman
Small update.
11:23 Changeset [413] by trnewman
removing uneeded files.
11:21 Changeset [412] by trnewman
Adding Apache license information.
11:18 Changeset [411] by trnewman
Adding Apache license information.
10:12 Changeset [410] by trnewman
Added short README about benchmark_dsa.py Using python dict instead of …
09:15 Changeset [409] by trnewman
Adding proper license and copyright info


15:08 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
13:23 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
13:22 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
11:52 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
11:52 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman
11:50 Cross/GNURadioReferenceImplementation created by trnewman
11:41 Cross/ReferenceImplementation edited by trnewman


22:42 Changeset [408] by trnewman
Added exception so code defaults to random channel selection if cross …
22:26 Changeset [407] by trnewman
Adding command line options for sensing threshold.
21:36 Changeset [406] by trnewman
Adding command line argument for using cross or random.
11:04 Changeset [395] by trnewman
Renaming to reflect origins.


16:29 Changeset [394] by trnewman
Forgot to add this little trick file to ensure the python package is …
16:24 Changeset [393] by trnewman
adding dsa xml configuration file
16:23 Changeset [392] by trnewman
Thresholds changing
16:10 Changeset [391] by trnewman
Fleshed out DSA reference implementation
00:31 Changeset [390] by trnewman
Functional DSA CBR, although it picks a random row.


23:23 Changeset [389] by trnewman
Added DSA CBR reference implementation. Added simple python example …
10:56 Changeset [386] by trnewman
Improving swig installation.


19:35 Changeset [385] by sriram
Cleaning up the code a little..need to test this more for bugs.
18:57 Changeset [384] by sriram
Adding the get_freq function which gets the new frequency from the …
15:41 Changeset [383] by sriram
Removing syntax error
15:40 Changeset [382] by sriram
Changing logic for "i wrongly thought that we had syncd up..we havnt …
15:17 Changeset [381] by sriram
Correcting bug
14:50 Changeset [380] by sriram
Adding code for communicating the nodes
14:14 Changeset [379] by sriram
Correcting some syntax errors
14:06 Changeset [378] by sriram
Same code for both the nodes
13:18 Changeset [377] by trnewman
Fixed some wierd include bugs
11:50 Changeset [376] by trnewman
fixed naming change
11:49 Changeset [375] by trnewman
Added DSA CE files, and moved XML configurations to the shell directory.
11:27 Changeset [374] by sriram
Adding all the four channels
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.