
and .


16:01 Changeset [122] by bhilburn
Autoconf and Automake appear to be properly processing all source …
15:21 Changeset [121] by bhilburn
Handling directories that were deleted by git-svn but weren't recorded …
15:19 Changeset [120] by bhilburn
Creating automake files for the various parts of the VTCROSS system. Got …
14:55 Changeset [119] by bhilburn
Adding LIBTOOL macros and libtoolize to bootstrapping process to allow us …
14:55 Changeset [118] by bhilburn
Using libtool, not legacy library stuff. Changing configure.ac …
14:55 Changeset [117] by bhilburn
Adding empty automake files for subdirectories... will populate later.
14:30 Changeset [116] by bhilburn
Adding bootstrap script for autofoo building.
14:02 Changeset [115] by bhilburn
Added preproc code to headers to prevent multiple scans, told git to …
14:02 Changeset [114] by bhilburn
Fixed gitignore file, adding options to autoconf file.
14:02 Changeset [113] by bhilburn
Copied over my .gitignore to make handling the autofoo stuff easier.
13:22 Changeset [112] by bhilburn
Adding doc directory, moving all source directories to proper 'src' …
13:14 Changeset [111] by bhilburn
Fixed a dump typo in my automake file, adding other files required by the …
13:06 Changeset [110] by bhilburn
Starting the process of making the code GNU-build compatible.
12:37 Changeset [109] by bhilburn
Adding implementation file for VTCROSS API.
12:10 Changeset [108] by bhilburn
Created initial header exporting all public functions for the VTCROSS …


22:42 Changeset [107] by bhilburn
Deleting old empty directories that git-svn didn't handle like I wanted.
21:57 Changeset [106] by bhilburn
Second round of renames, added directory for the SML.
21:49 Changeset [105] by bhilburn
Totally re-organized the codebase. This totally breaks everything. I mean …
16:44 Changeset [104] by bhilburn
Little reformatting regarding spacing and comments. Also, fixed parameter …
16:30 Changeset [103] by bhilburn
Argh. Someone committed code with mixed spaces and tabs. Fixing.
16:28 Changeset [102] by bhilburn
Added the containers.h header to export commonly-used data container …
16:13 Changeset [101] by bhilburn
Created initial header with API for components. Still not really anything …
16:09 Changeset [100] by bhilburn
Create branch bhilburn


17:03 Changeset [99]
Modded code to fit new protocols
16:56 Changeset [98]
Added policy engine code
16:54 Changeset [97]
cleaning up code


10:13 Changeset [96] by trnewman
Removed uneeded files.


16:51 Changeset [95] by trnewman
Cleaned up the code and put in the hooks for optimization request messages
15:35 Changeset [94] by trnewman
Added holder for policy engine
15:00 Changeset [93] by trnewman
Removing unessecary files
14:59 Changeset [92] by trnewman
Updating trunk
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.