root/vtcross/branches/bhilburn/examples/example.ce.xml @ 141

Revision 105, 1.4 KB (checked in by bhilburn, 15 years ago)

Totally re-organized the codebase. This totally breaks everything. I mean
_everything_. Deleted redundant files, local includes, and copied all makefiles
to top-level directory. Need to rewrite all of them.

2This is an example XML file to interface with our cognitive engine.
3The library shall create a new table "myengine" with the following cols:
4  throughput spectral_efficiency log10_ber mod_scheme tx_power SNR
6<engine name="myengine" filename="myengine.sql">
8    <!-- utilities : QoS metrics -->
9    <utilities>
10        <utility name="throughput" units="kbps" goal="max" target="125000" />
11        <utility name="spectral_efficiency" units="b/s/Hz" goal="max" />
12        <!-- <utility name="log10_ber" units="none" goal="min" target="-3" /> -->
13        <!-- <utility name="latency" units="ms" goal="min" target=100 /> -->
14    </utilities>
16    <!-- radio parameters -->
17    <parameters>
18        <parameter name="mod_scheme" min="1" max="4" step="1">
19            <!-- BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM -->
20            <affect utility="throughput" relationship="improve" />
21            <affect utility="spectral_efficiency" relationship="improve" />
22            <affect utility="log10_ber" relationship="degrade" />
23        </parameter>
24        <parameter name="tx_power" units="dBm" min="-30.0" max="0.0" step="0.1">
25            <affect utility="log10_ber" relationship="improve"/>
26        </parameter>
27    </parameters>
29    <!-- link/channel observations -->
30    <observables>
31        <observable name="SNR">
32            <affect utility="log10_ber" relationship="improve" />
33        </observable>
34    </observables>
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